
Hey everyone! It is nice to be sitting here again emailing:) I love you all so much and I still pray for you everyday. We had a fun week and I'll try to tell you a couple of the things that happened.
The transfer that we are on now is only a 5 week transfer so we are having to get all of our meetings and splits accomplished in less time. It has caused us to be super busy which is good. I went on a split to the place where I met the two football players a month ago again and Facebooked them. I was able to meet with the returned missoinary player and it was really fun. He said we are welcome to come to their practive facility and meet everyone. We will do that soon:) That's a bunch of cool referrals - haha.
In Japan they still do the primary program and it is just as adorable. They always do the the song about baptism with one verse in English and it is always a weird but comforting feeling to hear hymns and stuff like that in English. It is adorable. They had it about a month ago here.
We also had a day one this week where we focused only on college students. So all the missonaries in the mission went to college areas and dendoed (did missionary contacting). It was pretty interesting. Elder Packer and I wandered on to the campus and found a gym. We changed and just walked in on a huge gym class of Japanese people. It was pretty funny as they kind of just stopped and we walked through and went up staris. We met a guy and he loved basketball, he knew all the NBA players so we played basketball with him. After the class was over he told us he wants to play with us again! Wooh! It is so funny to play basketball in Japan. Then we passed out flyers outside of the college and it went pretty well. I had one of those moments wehere I felt like: " What is going on with my life?" again - haha. I talked to a 28 year old guy for 30 minutes about God. I talked about how a hundered years ago there were no cell phones and we didn't know how big the universe was. But now, we have advances in technology like the Hubble telescope and can see how big the universe is. I told him how within a hundred years, there could be even more evidence of God's existence and it could become common knowledge jsut like cell phones and galaxies. He really liked that and we talked for awhile. He was not interested in the end but it was just weird to think that I was spending my time talking about God and galaxies with a Japanese business man in Japanese in Japan. Life is weird sometimes haha.
We also eneded our Daigaku (University) blitz with Indian Curry. It is good. I love it. They have these two foot huge things of bread called Nan. They taste so good and then the curry is great.
Well I love you all so much. Things are going well. Next week is Temple P-Day and we might go to Skytree, so be ready for some awesome pictures next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you!

Elder Proctor (Proctor Chourou)

At Church with Friends

Playing Frisbee (Ultimate) and throwing rugby ball - fun times

Selfie at the park.

Our Football Athlete Friend

Shrimp Corny Dog - oh yesssss.