So, it actually only barely rained a tiny bit yesterday. We had no rain but it looks like you guys did!??!? that is crazy!  I can't believe that. That is cool about our waterpark we are getting - haha.  I am really interested to see how that turns out.
I am glad you all had a good experience at Nauvoo Youth Conference. I really hope you remember that. Even though I honestly didn't enjoy at all the one I went to at SFA when I was like 15, I remember the Spirit I felt while I was in the testimony meeting. It was one of the first times I felt the spirit strong. Remeber what you learned there. Read the Ensign from the last two months. There are two articles, "The Path to Palmyra," and "The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon." I think it will help you guys a lot. It really lets you know how true the story of the restoration is. Joseph Smith was not perfect. As with every other person other than Jesus Christ, there are black spots on our history, but if you really pray and study the role of the prophet Joseph Smith, and all the prophets, Moses, Abraham, Lehi, you really will learn that although imperfect, they are instruments in God's Hands.
Pretty cool story. When I was first in Snajo we housed an old guy and talked for awhile but he said he was good and didn't want to talk again. I have passed his house multiple times while here but one day when we had lots of time in the afternoon, as we passed and were waiting at a red light, I looked back and he was standing out of his house for 2 seconds then walked inside. We took that as a sign, talked to him, and now M**** is a new investigator wanting to listen to us to learn why there is evil and good and the world and how to become a better person. Cool to see God controls that. Also, we found 3 other people that took the Book of Mormon and accepted return vistis and are all becoming new investigators.
I was really praying we would find people because in the afternoon time here, there is no one. It's kind of hard compared when you are close to Tokyo and there are a billion people at all times to talk to. But we found these people and we are getting people to teach and I am enjoying my time here. It's weird being the old guy district leader over a bunch of young missionaries - haha.
One of the members yesterday was pretty funny. She came up to me and she said before I introduced my self in sacrament meeting, the whole time she was just thinking, "Wow, that Elder really looks like Elder Proctor." Pretty funny huh.
I got a present from Fumie. That was really nice. It had some nice American food in it. Tell her thanks for me. I love American food - haha I guess that's kind of how things are going. Just trying to do my best for the rest of my mission. I love being a missionary. I am really excited to see you all again though. I really have been feeling it. I really know the gospel blesses families. Have a great week. I love you!!!!!

Elder Proctor
Nice new friend investigating the church that I talked about.

Good Sanjo Restaurant

Another new friend for Church

Huge Japanese Spider - almost as large as my fist!!!!