Kamagaya is awesome! ‏
I'll start with a pretty cool miracle. We only have one key to our apartment. The other Elders forgot to leave it in the mailbox on Saturday so we were stuck at night time when we wanted to eat. So we went out to visit someone who ended up not being there, then we got back and they still hadn't brought the key back. So we decided to go pass out English fliers at the station and we were there for three minutes, when a guy starts walking up to me. He said, "this is done at a church, right?" and I said, "yeah". He said he had gone to our church when he was little and liked the hymns and stuff. He also said he lived by the church. I talked to him and invtied him to church and he said he will start coming next week. he is 19, has interest in Church. I got his number, and as he walked off, the other Elders called and said, hey, the key is back now. So cool how God works in mysterious ways. He forced us to be out there 'till we found him. Pretty coolね。His name is M***. I have been texting him a lot.
We had the biggest Eikaiwa (English Class) attendance ever for here. Two other high school students came, K*** and H***, and K*** is actually Christian!?!? So we are starting to try to meet with them .Pretty cool miracle week.
I also was able to go on a split with one of the Elders who was in my MTC room for the first time. We were able to talk about how much has changed and how much better it is. I was able to talk to him and he said he learned a lot while we were in the MTC together. It was really spiritual.
Funny story - this week was the second week of my mission where I was given $100. The first was in Chiba at the station when a drunk guy gave me a $100 and I had to basically yell and force him to take it back. I was like " I WILL HAVE TO GO BACK TO AMERICA IF I TAKE THIS. TAKE IT BACK!!!" so that was the first experience and this past week one of our eikaiwa students, S***, comes up to me and in his 70 year old Japanese English accent told me "Here is a love letter." he gave me a letter, it had some decent English in it and what I thought was just 10 dollars. So I was like ok, i'll make him take it back after everyone leaves later. I tried and he refused so I was just like, ok, ill try again next week, because we aren't allowed to take mony. I looked at it again and it turns out it was 100 dollars?!?! SO im kind of stuck right now. I hope he'll take it back this Wednesday - haha.
Pretty cool week. I love you all. Cool thing too is S*** is meeting with the missionaries this week again in Kisarazu. Pray for that to go well. Maybe I'll get to go back and baptize him:)) that'd be cool. I love you!! Havea great week and always remember who we represent!

Elder Proctor
3 New Friends from English Class

I Love Teaching Primary in Japan... Soooo Cute

Ward member with American Son

Elder Crockett and Me - MTC buds